Region 7 | CEN
Established 2015 | 2016
Council Officer Listing
*Counties Represented: Audrain, Montgomery
Council Chair:
Matt Schoo
Lt. Bill Johnson
Shelonda Hamilton, CBHL
Course Registration Contact:
Laura Heitmann
Liaison Contact(s):
Kacee Cagle | Shelonda Hamilton
CIT Meetings/Activities Schedules
Council Meeting
3rd Thursday Bi-monthly 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Location: Audrain Ambulance District
Training Committee Meeting
Monthly | Varies
Mission Statement
The East Central Crisis Intervention Team is a group of organizations who will recognize the population that deserves special treatment and care. We are a partnership designed to promote communication and enhance the response of public and private agencies when summoned to intervene with individuals who are mentally ill, developmentally disabled or experiencing trauma in their lives. Our members are trained and equipped to assist and to respond to a crisis and to resolve each situation in a manner that shows concern for the citizen’s well-being and the safety of the community as a whole.
First Responder Partners
12th Circuit Juvenile Office
Audrain County Prosecutors Office
Audrain County Sheriff's Department
High Hill Police
Missouri Highway Patrol
Montgomery City Police
Montgomery County Prosecutors Office
Montgomery County Sheriff's Department
Mexico Public Safety
Vandalia Police Department
Wellsville Police Department
Community Partners
Arthur Center Community Health
Audrain Ambulance District
Audrain & Montgomery Children's Division
Audrain County Crisis Intervention Services
Audrain County E-911
Montgomery Ambulance District
Montgomery County Health Department
Montgomery County Probate Judge
Montgomery County Sheriff's Chaplin
Probation and Parole
SSM Behavioral Health
SSM Health St. Mary's Hospital